Multiplexing without blocking a set of packets Forward-error correction Connection migration The future of this technological innovation is very bright. The IETF Group is engaged in the continuous development and expansion of QUIC in order to fully standardize it - so that in the future, everyone can benefit from faster servers, faster loading pages... and therefore an overall faster 'internet'. There is already an assumption that if the features of this protocol prove to be fully effective, they could be used for later versions of TCP and TLS.
Which have a much longer implementation cycle). It is not without reason that QUIC is called the next-generation protocol. However, looking at the statistics, only 5% of all internet traffic uses it. The mentioned traffic is generated mainly thanks to queries from Google servers philippines photo editor and related services. It's hard to understand why interest in QUIC is decreasing to some extent when its stability is increasing in practice. I hope this changes as soon as possible, because this protocol can be considered the 'technological future'. What is the QUIC protocol.

Summary We consider the QUIC protocol and its operation to be an incredible breakthrough, as we mentioned earlier. The amount of work put into the project related to the development of QUIC and the fact of its presence on the largest available websites speak for themselves. There are many advantages and reasons to use QUIC, and the implementation of this protocol on hosting servers has become a reality. As JCHost.pl, we are one of the first to boast a stable hosting configuration, fully based on the latest versions of the QUIC protocol.