Their ability to adapt to a wide range of humidity is especially important given the rapid changes in precipitation patterns around the world. Experts understand what their users are doing to restore the ozone layer. We tell how conscious consumption can help and save billions of cubic meters of water What Happened has over 100 million ads posted on it. Users of this resource mainly sell second-hand items, giving them a second life.
Conscious consumption by resource users affects the production of new products and reduces moible number data environmental burdens. Reselling goods online from year to year in two years has allowed users to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10,000 tons, of which 10,000 tons per year have been reduced. This figure is equivalent to the entire Russian convoy not leaving the road for six months. The reduction in the production of new products is reflected in the reduction in electricity consumption. Users helped save billions of kWh.

For example, the annual power generation is about 100 million kWh. Conscious consumption saves 100 million cubic meters of water. Residents of Moscow spend this money within a month. The calculations are based on a method developed by researchers in the Netherlands and . According to their theory, buying used items prevents you from buying new. Ecological footprints were calculated for four categories: clothing and footwear, electronics, books, cars and motorcycles.