President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that his government is fully willing to work together with civil society organizations (CSOs) and Private Initiative (PI) foundations that wish to help combat social problems such as femicides. "We are working and of course anyone who wants to help face social problems, help face problems of violence, robberies, femicides, etc., we are in the best position to work with them," he explained. He announced that his administration seeks to confront social problems, especially issues of violence and femicides. “We are in the best position to work together with all citizen actors.” He stressed that his government's approach is to address the issue from the causes, “get to the bottom of it, promote well-being, strengthen personal values and avoid the disintegration of families. In other countries it may not be so important, however, in Mexico the family is the main pillar of human and community coexistence,” he said.
He reiterated that the neoliberal period "erased" subjects such as civics and philosophy, affecting all levels of public life and causing a loss of values, which is why the focus of current social programs is to address the causes and get to the bottom of the problems to avoid family disintegration. The National Institute of Statistics, Geography America Cell Phone Number List and Informatics (INEGI) indicates that in the last four and a half years a total of 14,152 women were murdered in Mexico. IP requests strong actions against femicides The Employers' Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex) called for the entire business sector to assume its role to eradicate gender inequality in the labor and economic spheres. The business organization asked the government to confront, with a clear and forceful strategy, the violence of which women are victims every day.

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