Criteria for determining small and medium-sized enterprises . This criterion is understood as follows: 1. Micro enterprises: In the fields of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, industry and construction, employing workers participating in social insurance does not exceed 10 people /year and total revenue does not exceed 3 billion VND /year or total capital does not exceed 3 billion VND. VND/year. In the field of commerce and services, employers participating in social insurance do not exceed 10 people /year and total revenue does not exceed 10 billion VND /year or total capital does not exceed 3 billion VND/year. 2. Small businesses.
In the fields of agriculture, forestry and fisheries; than 100 people /year participating in Email Data social insurance and total revenue does not exceed 50 billion VND /year or total capital does not exceed 20 billion VND/year. Small businesses in the field of commerce and services employ no more than 50 people /year participating in social insurance and have a total revenue of no more than 100 billion VND /year or a total capital of no more than 50 billion VND/year. Small businesses that meet the above criteria but are not micro-enterprises as prescribed in Clause 1. Micro-enterprises. 3. Medium enterprises In the fields of agriculture, forestry and fisheries; The industrial and construction sectors employ no more than 200 people /year participating in social insurance and have a total revenue of no more than 200 billion VND /year or a total capital of no more than 100 billion VND/year.

In the field of commerce and services, employers participating in social insurance do not exceed 100 people /year and total revenue does not exceed 300 billion VND /year or total capital does not exceed 100 billion VND/year. Medium enterprises that meet the above criteria but are not micro enterprises or small enterprises as prescribed in Clauses 1 and 2. Principles of supporting small and medium enterprises Legal basis related to SME Legal basis related to SME The 2017 Law on Support for Small and Medium Enterprises stipulates the Principles for Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises in Article 05 as follows: Support for small and medium-sized enterprises must respect market rules and be consistent with international treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member. Ensure openness and transparency regarding content, subjects, order, procedures, resources, support levels and implementation results.