The Treasury will be especially attentive to land sales in the area around Eurovegas. The department headed by Cristóbal Montoro will not turn a 'blind eye' and will vigorously pursue speculation and fraudulent operations. The Government announced a few weeks ago that the equalization of the rates that tax capital income to those of personal income tax will be extended to all capital gains obtained in less than a year . Any operation that involves “changes in the value of assets” are capital gains , which means that not only those generated on the stock market but, for example, also those that come from the sale of a home will bear the rise in rates . In this way, as El Confidencial Digital has learned from sources familiar with these processes, the Treasury will closely monitor the operations that will occur in relation to the sale of the Eurovegas land.
The tax tightening on capital gains will aim to penalize the most speculative operations, those that are carried out in the short term . Processes that will soon become common in the land and real estate where the Eurovegas complex will be built . Montoro's notice to Adelson The Minister of Finance, Cristóbal Montoro , has already warned the Middle East Mobile Number List North American magnate, Sheldon Adelson , that he will not have many privileges despite having chosen Spain to build his Eurovegas macroproject . He assured that there will be no changes in Spanish tax legislation to “expressly” favor “any project . ”Our external deficit, which reached 10% , the second highest in the world after the United States, is being corrected at a rapid pace . But this is not because of our economy, but because we are declining in activity
Brussels assures Spain a risk premium of only 200 points The sources of the Spanish delegation in the EU explain to El Confidencial Digital that the high European stays calculate that, once the resc ue has been requested and an adjustment plan has been presented, complying with the conditions set by Brussels, “ Spain has the guarantee that its risk will drop to 200 points .” This decrease, together with the ability to buy sovereign debt, " will eliminate pressure from the markets and the banks will have the capacity to once again grant resources to companies and individuals to, gradually, reactivate the country's economy."As reported in these pages - see it here -, Moncloa decided not to include a stop by Mariano Rajoy in Buenos Aires during his last tour of Latin America last May. It was taken into account that a bad gesture from the president, and even a rude gesture, could seriously damage the image and credibility of Spain abroad.