The essence of SEO is that the site is optimized for the requirements of Google and Yandex. They, in turn, see that the site works well and provides useful and high-quality information. Thanks to this, it is ranked better (showed to users in searches in higher positions). It is precisely such sites that search engines are interested in. Contextual advertising is a paid display of a website in search results and on partner sites of advertising networks (KMN and YAN) . Most often, contextual advertising is set up in the Yandex.Direct and Google Ads systems. By the way,
the capabilities of these services are much greater than just Asia Mobile Number List contextual advertising. Today, an advertiser can also set up remarketing, display advertising, and targeted advertising (using targeting based on interests and socio-demographic characteristics). If you search for commercial queries (purchase-related queries), you will see in the results first sites with advertising, and then with SEO. Yandex search results for the request “Buy a Christmas tree” Yandex search results for the request “Buy a Christmas tree” What is the difference between contextual

advertising and SEO? Both tools generate leads, but they work differently. Let's look at the differences in the table: SEO contextual advertising Demand it works with All types of demand (warm, cold). for commercial queries, but also for queries that users can enter when they are looking for information about their problem, when they are still deciding whether they need a purchase, etc. Hot demand. Advertising is shown only to those who already want to buy something. When the effect is visible In - months. Maybe on the first day of advertising launch, or maybe after - weeks (depending on the topic, volume of demand and decision-making time).