How did the Buddha attain enlightenment? And when? The story of the three old men makes us understand love, wealth and success Five unrealistic desires things to keep in mind for living in society phrases from Bertrand Russell, English scholar Four Morals That We Must Practice soft skills for a successful leader in the organization Sunday, March , :: AM MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT How can group training for leadership development promote self-reflection? Kong Chhay Leng March , Here are the key points of group training for development:As a leader,
you can promote self-reflection: Identify your strengths and weaknesses Austria WhatsApp Number One of the benefits of group training for leadership development is that it allows you to assess your own abilities and personalities for improvement as a leader. By engaging in discussion and evaluation activities, you can gain a clearer and more purposeful view of your leadership patterns, skills, and attitudes. You can also compare yourself to other leaders in the team and identify gaps and opportunities for learning and development. Receive and give constructive feedback Another way that group training can stimulate self-reflection
is by giving you the opportunity to receive and provide constructive feedback. Feedback is a valuable source of information and guidance that can help you improve your performance and achieve your goals. By listening to the advice and suggestions of your trainers and peers, you can gain new insights and perspectives on the strengths and weaknesses of your leadership. You can also learn how to give effective feedback and respect for others, which is an important skill for any leader. and experiences Team training can also enhance your self-reflection by showing you different perspectives and experiences from other leaders in the team.