Always have business cards to give out and if you are a product business samples may be very useful When creating the design it is important that it matches your current branding to not cause any confusion Give Yourself Time to Plan As with everything in life when its rushed the outcome isnt as good as when youve spent plenty of time planning it Therefore its important you never book a lastminute spot at an exhibition Instead book and plan well in advance Have a few KPIs for the exhibit that you will strive to achieve and spend some time planning how best to use the exhibition
It is always a good idea to know what exactly you want to achieve from the event is it new customers brand recognition or are you simply there because all your major competitors are Use Giveaways Tactically Who doesnt love a good India Phone Number giveaway to your stand and to get them talking about your brand to others which then has the knockon effect of more people coming to your stand When deciding on what prize you will give away make sure its exciting and something your customers desire If not they may not be bothered by the prize and not come over because they dont think its a very good one The prize doesnt have to be expensive just something that has a good value to the people visiting your stand
Promote Yourself Before the Show If you are attending an exhibition then make sure you promote yourself and shout out about it before the event Let your customers know through your email marketing and use social media channels like Facebook Twitter and Instagram to share with your current customers The more people that know you are attending the event the more likely they are to find your stand if they are attending If you are planning to run a competition during the event this could be a great way to make people aware of the prize and to create some excitement about the event.