What is additional education? This is the education that you receive regardless of your existing specialty, age, gender, social status, etc. This opportunity is provided by both state and private organizations.
Continuing education is a voluntary process. You have the right to independently choose the organization, format and course that seems attractive to you.
Unlike secondary or higher education, this type of training provides more freedom. The distance learning market is now very saturated, you can learn anything. And it does not matter what you did before. There is an opportunity to master a completely new profession in the shortest possible time. You choose the necessary field, clarify all organizational issues, make a payment and start training. Upon completion of training, you are provided with a diploma or certificate of completion of the course.
The duration of study varies, most often from three mobile app development service months to a year. The cost can vary on average from three thousand rubles to thirty. Note that you can get back a percentage of personal income tax from the purchase of a course provided by a state organization. To do this, you need to collect a package of documents, not forgetting the receipts, and provide them to the tax office.
So, now that we have figured out what additional education is, it is worth understanding who needs it.
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02 Why further education is necessary
why further education is needed
If you are wondering why you need further education, we recommend reading this article to the end. First, studying at school, then at college, at university, and now, it would seem, it is time to build a career. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Sometimes, employment of students and graduates can be an extremely difficult process. There are often cases when a person, having received a specialty, comes to the conclusion that this is not a suitable profession for him at all. Or simply loses interest in his activities. It may also be that he simply does not know how to choose a profession . What to do in this case? Look for a profitable option for obtaining a new education.